PokéWars The Ambush

    Tauras woke up. He went into the kitchen and saw that the rest of Clan Caterpie was up. Ivan (Random's Ivysaur) and Vennie (Tauras's Venusaur) were eating something that looked like Puppy Chow. "About time you got up, we thought you'd sleep till noon," Lonewolf said. "Where is Icy?" asked Tauras. "He is at the pokécenter, getting his morning dose of electricity," replied Random "He told us to meet him there when you woke up". "Lets get going, now that you’re up," said Insanellama.    The group left Random's house and walked to the pokécenter. Ivan and Vennie were hopping like crazy to keep up. They eventually reached the pokécenter, they saw Icy sitting on a table, eating an apple.
"Piki Piki Pi," said Icy. "Oops, forgot the translator, anyways hi," Icy said into the translator. "So what’s the plan for today?" asked Lonewolf. "I know of a national park east of Celadon. We can take out pokémon there and get them in shape, we want them to look good at the auction, right?" said Icy. Black Hole, Tauras, Insanellama, Lonewolf, and Random nodded their heads yes. "Great, we can take my Porygon," Icy said happily.
    The group went outside, Icy called out his Porygon and they all got on. He took off, and headed for the east side of the city. They eventually landed in a large field of tall grass and trees. "Call out any of your pokémon that you want, they can graze on the grass, hunt, etc," Icy said as the Porygon landed. Insanellama sent out Rapidash and Ponyta. The horse like pokémon began to graze.
    Random sent out Ivan, Snorlax, and Wigglytuff.
    Snorlax went to sleep by a tree, Ivan began to happily run and hop around. Wigglytuff also went to sleep.
    Tauras sent out his herd of Tauros, and Arbok.
    The Tauros began to graze, and the Arbok went into his hunting for Rattata position. Lonewolf sent out Vulpix and her Tauros. Icy sent out all his Caterpies and his Abra. Black hole sent out Clefairy and Wigglytuff. Every one and their pokémon was having a great time, little did they know somebody was watching them. "Remember, we grab Icy and run," said Meowth to Jessie and James. "We remember," they said. Jessie and James began to crawl to the tree Icy was in. Unfortunately for them so was Tauras's Arbok. Arbok must have mistaken them for a large rat, so he lunged forward, fangs out in front. He sunk his fangs into James, inserting the Venom, and then he lunged back. Icy saw it happen and began to fire thundershocks at them. Jessie pulled James back, but before they could reach the trees they were cut off by a lot of Tauros, 10 Caterpie, 2 Wigglytuffs, a Venusaur and Ivysaur, a Vulpix, an Abra, a Clefairy, a Rapidash and Ponyta, and a Snorlax. Ivan and Vennie were about to tie them up with vines, when a Helicopter with a big R on it came and lifted Jessie and James away. "Well, that taught them that if they go against Clan Caterpie they'll get whooped Insect-Style," said Icy. The group called back their pokémon and they took Icy's Porygon back to Celadon. It was already dark, so they went to sleep.

Contributing authors: Tauras