PokéWars Rumors of Team Rocket

Previously Tauras joined Clan Caterpie and got his Porygon upgraded.

    It was early in the morning; Tauras had just woken up.
    He saw a note next to him. It said "I'm going to the pokécenter for breakfast. Icy". Tauras figured Icy would do that. Tauras walked outside of Random's house, he called out Cyberguy (Porygon). He could see Ivan, Random's Ivysaur running around the yard. He told cyberguy,"Run program 2 wheeler". Cyberguy converted into a Motorcycle and Tauras got on.
    He rode Cyberguy to the pokécenter. Cyberguy converted back to normal shape and they went inside. He said hi to Icy and asked Nurse Joy" Could you give my Porygon a little jump start from a car battery". Nurse Joy brought out a car battery and hooked it up to Cyberguy. Cyberguy was blasted with electricity. Tauras went over and sat by Icy. Icy was watching his Abra bend a spoon. "Wow, an Abra those are pretty rare, where did you get him?" asked Tauras. "He was given to me on my birthday, he was my first pokémon. What was your first pokémon?" replied Icy. "I found a Poliwag on the beach in Cinnabar, he was injured badly.
    I took him to a pokécenter and healed him. I recently evolved him into Poliwrath," said Tauras. Tauras left the building. He heard some people saying that Team Rocket was in town. Tauras entered a field of grass.
    He then heard the voices" Time for trouble. Make it double. Team Rocket blast of at the Speed of Light.
    Surrender now or prepare to fight." Jessie and James leaped out from behind a bush. "You know where Icy is, tell us or prepare to lose your pokéballs," said James. "Never," replied Tauras. Jessie and James sent out Arbok and Weezing. "Cyberguy, use sharpen, then tackle," said Tauras. Cyberguy seemed to get pointier, and then he lunged at Weezing, cutting him, and knocking him out. "Noooo," said James. Tauras sent out Voltorb, "Voltorb, use tackle on Arbok," said Tauras. "VOLTORB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAAAAAAAAA," said Jessie, James, and Meowth, then they ran like crazy. "Good job Voltorb, you didn't even attack them and they ran!" said Tauras. Tauras then told Cyber guy to convert to motorcycle. Tauras then hopped on and the sped to the pokécenter. He ran to Icy. "Team Rocket is here, I battled Jessie and James, they were looking for you," Tauras told Icy. "I'll have to be extra careful, if I see them I’ll give them a thundershock," Icy said.
"Ok, I don't think Jessie and James will be here, they are afraid of my Voltorb, but TR will send more agents," Tauras said. Tauras hopped on Cyberguy and went back to Random’s house. He told the rest of Clan Caterpie what happened. "We should have somebody watching Icy a lot, we can go in shifts, I’ll go first," said X. Tauras told Cyberguy "Run program Air Jet". The Porygon converted into a jet. Tauras got on and they went flying around the town. He noticed some people in long black Trench Coats.
    "Cyberguy, see those TR members? Give them a Thundershock," Tauras told Cyberguy. "Porygon gon gon Por," said Cyberguy, and then he fired some blasts of electricity at the TR members.

Contributing authors: Tauras