PokéWars The Programmers of Celadon City

From: Oiph <oiph@aol.complacent>
Subject: [PW!][Clan Caterpie] In Celadon.
Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 2:35 PM

Clan Caterpie goes to Celadon. Bar fights ensue. Women flock to X and Random.
Cockroaches annoy Random... Fire and Ice depart.

And now...

The team was standing idly around Celadon Town Square. Icy was, once again,
fiddling with his Porygon - Dev watching curiously over his shoulder. Random
switched between talking with his friends and speaking to others over his cell
phone. When he concluded his conversation, he hung up the phone and turned to

"Hey man, I know some cool techs in Celadon who could help you out with
Porygon." Random pointed to a tall building at the end of Scissor Street.
Icy spoke into his translator necklace, "Sweet! Let's go!" He packed up his
bag and held Porygon's Pokeball in his little Pikachu hands.
"You guys ok here?" Random asked Llama, X, and Dev.
"We'll find something to do..."

Random and Icy took a walk down the street. They passed ROCKET GAME CORNER.
"That's where I won the jackpot last year." Random told the origin of his
adventure, "with my mother accounted for, I left home." Random checked his
wallet - full. A grin came across his face. Icy rolled his eyes.

"There." Random pointed to a tall building with a large, 2nd floor glass
window overlooking the street. They entered.

"Random!" A young man in his 20's called out.
"Hey Will!" Random shook his hand.
"How's your Porygon Random?" Will inquired.
"Haven't fiddled with him in over a year..." Random replied cooly.
'Random has a Porygon?' Icy thought, 'he never mentions it...I thought he
wasn't interested in this stuff...'
"Will, this is Icy. Icy this is Wilhelm Bildungsroman." Random pointed to the
tiny Pikachu.
"Hi lil fella!" Will bent over and patted Icy's head. Icy smacked his hand.
"Excuse me sir..." Icy replied sharply.
"Wha-? He talks???" Will gasped.
"....sigh...." Random told Will the story of Icy's transformation.
"Wow..." Will said, "So what can I do for you Icy?"