PokéWars The Celadon City Gym

From: Insanellama <insanellama316@geocities.com>
Subject: [PW!] [Clan Caterpie] Celadon, the legend continues
Date: Saturday, March 06, 1999 11:27 PM

In our last story, X and ashley had just re-met after a drunk had
attacked X. Insanellama and Lonewolf are down the street at a
country-western bar. Random is on the stage. Toocold, Firestorm, Icy,
and Dev are havin a blast over at one of the tables.
"Will you please excuse me for one moment?" x asked ashley. "Sure," she
said. "I'll be back in 10 or 15 min," X said. He walked out the door,
heading for the Celadon electronics store. There, he purchased a cell
phone, and signed up for service. He walked out the door, and over to
the jewlrey store. There, he picked up a small silver thumb-ring. Then
he walked back to Spitz bar. When he walked in, he saw ashley over at
the bar. He sat down beside her. "Hi again," he said, "I got you
something." He brought out the thumb-ring and gave it to her. "Thanks,"
she said. He also gave her his cell-phone number. He saw the other
members of Clan Caterpie getting up to leave. "Well, I guess I'd better
go. Call me some time," X said turning for the door. They walked out of
the bar. "Does anyone know where Insanellama and Lonewolf went?" asked
Toocold. Random looked down the street. "His rapidash is hitched up at
that country western bar." said Random. They walked down the street,
and entered the building. Lonewolf and Insanellama were talking quietly
to each other. "Friends in Low Places" by garth brooks was playing.
Clan Caterpie walked over to the table. Insanellama and Lonewolf
didn't even notice. Random cleared his throat. Insanellama and Lonewolf
got up and they left the building. Insanellama unhitched rapidash. As
rapidash was untied, it reared up. Insanellama saw why, there was a
rattler on the ground. X didn't even think twice, the snake tried to
strike at rapidash, but its head was caught in mid air by a knife,
which then pinned it to the ground only a few inches from rapidash.
"Thanks," said Insanellama, admiring X's skill. When rapidash came
down, it landed one of its front hooves directly on in front of X's
knife, crushing the snakes head to a pulp. X retreived his knife.
Insanellama got out his hunting knife and cut off the snakes head.
"It'll be nice for dinner," he said. "Hey, wears the gym at random?"
asked Dev. "It's south of here, Let's go there." Random said. When they
got to where they could see it, there was a ten foot rock wall around
it. "We'll have to cut through that thick brush over there to get in,"
said Random. Insanellama gave rapidash a note, some cash, and
directions to the silver smith. Rapidash returned in a few minutes with
a sheethed machete in its teeth. "Good job," said Insanellama, sneaking
rapidash a sugar cube. He unsheethed the mammoth 36 inch long blade,
and walked over to the brush. He began hacking wildly at it, but in a
set V pattern, stopping at intervals to remove brush. He was making
slow progress, and there was a lot to get through. Random smacked
himself on the head, and called out snorlax. "SNORLAX, EAT THE BRUSH!"
Insanellama backed off, and Snorlax began to eat it's way through the
underbrush. Insanellama sheethed the machete, and put it in rapidash's
saddle bags. Before verylong, Snorlax was done, and went to sleep.
Random returned it to its pokeball, and they walked towards the gym