PokéWars RCT4L Meets Clan Caterpie
The S.S. Anne Mini-Series

From: <insanellama316NOSPAM@geocities.com>
Subject: [PW!]RCT4L continues, and bumps into Clan Caterpie
Date: Saturday, February 20, 1999 12:15 PM

RCT4L was walking along the market district when he bumped into
Lonewolf and the others from the pokecenter. He reached for the
Israile oozie under his jacket, but before it cleared leather, he was
facing a browning, two colt .45's, a desert eagle, and Lonewolf
holding a smith and wesson which she had grabbed from the rapidash's
saddle. "Take yer hand out of there nice and slow partner" said
Insanellama. He let the oozie fall back into its holster, grabbed a
pokeball and slowly removed his hand from the trenchcoat. "This is all
a mis-understanding, I was getting a pokeball out to take to the
center," he gestured down the lane. "Move along then," said
Insanellama. RCT4L continued down the lane defeated. "Yep," he
thought, I'm gonna HAVE to find her alone."

From: <insanellama316NOSPAM@geocities.com>
Subject: [PW!][Clan Caterpie] After the RCT4L incident
Date: Saturday, February 20, 1999 12:31 PM

PUNK MUST HAVE TAKEN IT." Lonewolf decided to go up to her room to
rest for a little while. Insanellama and the others stormed towards
the pokecenter. It was empty when they got there. "We'd better go
check on lonewolf," said Insanellama.
~~~~~~~~~IN Lonewolf's room~~~~~~~~~~~~
RCT4L barged into the room with oozie drawn. "Alright, keep it nice
and quite, and noone gets hurt," said RCT4L. He had just finished
tieing here up when Insanellama bursed onto the scene followed by
Toocold, Firestorm, X, and ICY. Insanellama had his colt .45's drawn.
It was a standoff, RCT4L had his oozie pointed at Lonewolf, and had a
Ruger pistol pointed at Insanellama. Toocold had previously loaded the
Desert Eagle 357 magnum with some balistic tipped bullets. "LET HER
GO!" said Insanellama. When RCT4L wasn't looking, toocold had ducked
out of the room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~With toocold~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Toocold had noticed the rather large window behind the man who had
kidnapped lonewolf. He was on the top deck shortly. Then he used some
climbing gear to repel down to Lonewolf's room's window. He turned on
the laser sight on his Ruger. "Only one shot at this," he thought. The
plate glass window would deflect the bullet a little, probably to the
right, so he aimed just milimeters left of the Oozie, he intended to
disable the gun first, and then come in and kick it away the other
pistol away from the man.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Lonewolf's room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Insanellama saw the laser dot, and knew where toocold must have gone,
he got ready to spring on the man when the shot came. Suddenly, there
was a loud crash as the oozie was shot right out of RCT4L's and.
Insanellama shot the Ruger pistol out of his hand. "Hey my aim isn't
as bad as I thought," thought insanellama in mid air as he tackled
RCT4L. He gave him a quick knock to the head with the butt of his
pistol, and he was out like a light. They took him to the main deck,
and left him there unconcious with a note tied to his neck. "Don't
mess with Clan Caterpie ever again." They returned to the diner, and
had lunch.