PokéWars Betrayal

From: Christof <n@n2.com>
Subject: [PW!] Betrayal
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:17 AM

P:OTPW! - Christof just had an encounter with Team Rocket, along with Clan
Caterpie and the Pokemon Enthusiast Club, and Christof has left for the
Pokecenter Restaurant.
~~Vermilion City. Christof is walking towards the Pokecenter. He is stopped
by a man in a Team Rocket suit.~~
"Hey. One last time I ask you - will you join Team Rocket?" asks the man.
Christof thinks about it.
"Tell me more about the job." says Christof.
"Let's go somewhere and talk about it. Where were you going?" asks the
"The restaurant. I need to give some Magikarp to my dragons and some spoons
to my psychics to bend so they can sharpen their skills." says Christof.
"Let's go there then." says the man as he puts on a trenchcoat, hiding his
TR suit.
~~Vermilion City Pokecenter Restaurant. Christof gave some Magikarp to his
dragons and some spoons to his psychics. Now he and the Rocket are sitting
at a table in back.~~
"What does this job entitle?" asks Christof.
"You will be one of the top psychics in Team Rocket. No influence on what
you are told to do or anything else in TR, just a high-ranking psychic. Our
first hit. we hope is on this S.S. Anne party. Ship comes to port here on
Friday. Today is Tuesday. I think we can make it to Cerulean and back by
then on train, don't you?" says the Rocket.
"Cerulean? Why?" asks Christof.
"Main Rocket headquarters are there. We need to check you in and give you
your uniform etc." says the Rocket.
Christof takes a few minutes to think about this. It would be his chance at
the spotlight. He would shag off Clan Caterpie and that annoying Pikachu.
Maybe this is for him.
"I'll take it. What now?" says Christof.
"Betrayal. Go back to the Club and show them this." says the Rocket as he
throws a TR badge at Christof. Christof catches it and pins it on his
undershirt. You can't tell it is there.
"If a fight ensues, bring out a dragon. I'll have some of my people
stationed around the Club to jump in if you call a dragon. If you call a
psychic, they won't respond." says the Rocket.
"Ok." says Christof. He stands up and leaves for the club.
~~Pokemon Enthusiasts Club. Christof just came back. Clan Caterpie is back
to talking with the Club members.~~
Christof approaches Insanellama.
"Hey, Llama. Check this out." says Christof as he takes his t-shirt off,
revealing his undershirt with the TR badge on it.
"What? WHEN DID YOU JOIN TEAM ROCKET?!" yells Insanellama. All members of
the room turn to Christof.
"Pi! Pika pi ka!" says Icy, faster then the translator can translate.
"Team Rocket? They're here?!" says X. He remembers his TR days.
"That's right. I'm a high ranking Psychic in Team Rocket and I just joined."
says Christof.
"Why did you join? What good do they do you?" asks Random.
"I'm high ranking to begin with! What can they offer me? Head Psychic over
time!" says Christof.
"I despise all Rockets. Want to battle?" says X.
"Let's go." says Christof. He reaches for Gyrados.
"Go, GYRADOS!" says Christof. Seconds later, the door busts open and 4
Rockets jump in. A Ninetales follows one, a Jolteon another, a Vaporeon
another and a Meowth following the last one.
"Go ahead. Try it." says Christof. A backdoor opens and 4 Rockets come in
with a Nidorino following each one.
"I think it's time we go." says Random.
"It is. Let them out the backdoor says Christof. The Rockets shove everyone
out the backdoor. Then the Rockets leave. The Club members go back in. Clan
Caterpie stands around.
~~PokeTrans Train. Christof, in a trenchcoat along with 3 other people in
trenchcoats (TR suits on underneath) are sitting down, talking. They are en
route to Cerulean for Chistof to be checked in.~~
"You decide your uniform. Of course, a few things are standard." says one
"How about boots up to my knee with black dress pants that are tucked into
them? Then a black t-shirt with a red R in the middle." says Christof.
"Sounds fine. Black is the standard color for high rankers." says the Rocket
that got him to join.
"Also, we got a call before we left Vermilion that we need a psychic on
board S.S. Anne for the party. They said Dreadite and Maria might be there,
but we're not sure." says a Rocket.
"I'll do it. Most people don't know that I've gone Rocket yet and, if that
stupid Clan Caterpie is smart, they'll keep their mouths shut. I want a few
of our people to trail them, but don't have them board the S.S. Anne. If
anything happens, I'll take care of them personally there on the boat." says
Christof. Soon, the train stops and pulls into Cerulean station. The Rockets
along with Christof get out and duck into a car. The car drives to an
ordinary house. Christof follows the Rockets in.
"Upstairs, door 2. Knock once, then kick the door 3 times. They'll asks the
password. The password is psylead." says a Rocket. Christof goes upstairs,
knocks once and kicks the door 3 times. Someone asks what the password is
and Christof gives the password. The door opens and Christof walks in.