PokéWars Clan Caterpie and the Thunder Badge

From: IcyPikachu <joshweb@hotmail.com>
Subject: [PW!] Clan Caterpie and the Thunder Badge
Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 6:49 PM

Clan Caterpie and the Thunder Badge

    They woke that morning to the cries of a Dodrio. Icy went to the front
desk and asked the nurse to heal him. She gave Icy a nice apple and he
finally got to eat it in peace for once. The others ate at the pokécenter
restaurant. They had the nurse heal their pokémon while they ate.
    Icy remembered his friend from his first visit to Vermilion City, Mike.
He wondered what he'd say when he saw Icy in the form of a Pikachu. He
clicked the translator on. "Can we go visit my friend Mike?"
    "Sure Icy. Then, let's go get ourselves some Thunder Badges!"
Insanellama grinned at Icy, somehow knowing what Icy had in store for Lt.
Surge. They followed Icy to Mike's house.
    Mike was just finishing breakfast when they arrived at the front door.
"Hello? What are you doing here?" Only Icy was at the door, the others were
warming up their pokémon for later. Mike looked at the Pikachu.
    "Hello Mike. It's me, Icy!" Mike just stared at the talking Pikachu.
"It's a long story." Icy told Mike about the events that had taken place.
Mike asked if he could come with Icy and his friends to watch them battle
Surge and get some battle pointers. They agreed and set off the gym.
    They reached the gym. Once again, Icy and Insane exchanged grins. Icy
would challenge Lt. Surge as himself. As they entered the gym, two trainers
greeted them. "If you want to fight Surge, you gotta beat us first."
    Icy walked toward one of the trainers. "All right then, let's battle!"
The trainer was dumbfounded, but remembered reading in the paper about a boy
who was accidentally transformed into a Pikachu.
    "Ok little Pikachu. You'll never make it to Surge! Go Magneton!"
    "Go Dugtrio!" Icy teleported Dugtrio's pokéball into his hands and
released it.
    "Magneton, thunderbolt!" Magneton tried to fry Dugtrio but it attacks
just bounced right off.
    "Dugtrio, dig now!" Dugtrio disappeared into the ground, then popped up
crashing into Magneton. It fell and fainted being weak against ground
    "All right, you may pass! Any of you other wimps think you beat us?"
    Icy entered the main where Lt. Surge was training Raichu. When Icy saw
the Raichu, he felt a strong hatred toward it. "Lt. Surge, I challenge you
to a match!" Surge looked at Icy for a sec. He was in a cute little fighting
pose that made Surge and Raichu both laugh. Insanellama was standing in back
of Icy now. Surge looked at him.
    "Alright, one on one battle. My Raichu verses your Pikachu."
    "Ok..." Insane just went along with it. Icy would be the one deciding on
the attacks, not Insane. The battle began.
    Surge started off with Raichu using Take Down on Icy. As Raichu leapt
for Icy, Icy just grinned, making the Raichu very angry. As soon as Raichu
was about to crush Icy, he used telekinesis to suspend Raichu in thin air.
Surge was in shock. "I can't lose," he thought. "What's going on. A Pikachu
can't use psychic attacks!"
    "This ain't no ordinary Pikachu!" Insane replied. Icy blasted Raichu
with a super-charged thunderbolt. Raichu was stunned a little, but still
able to fight. It started to charge at Icy again but was stopped once more
by a field of psyonic energy Icy had set up around himself.
    "How does he do that? Pikachus aren't psychic! Snap out of it Raichu!
It's a Pikachu! It's inferior to you! You're the better and stronger
evolution!" Icy became infuriated.
amounts of electricity throughout the gym so the field was enclosed in
lightning. "What are you doing Icy?" Insanellama wondered. Using his psychic
powers, he directed all the lightning at Raichu. Raichu could only look in
each direction as the lightning moved closer. "Rai... Chu...???" The
lightning decimated Raichu and he fell hard to the ground, but Icy wasn't
finished yet. Still hurt by Surge's comment, he prepared to attack again,
but Insane stopped him. "No Icy, don't! You won. It's over!" "CHUUUUU...
Pik-chukapi!" Icy tried to calm himself down. Surge was devastated.
    "How??? How did you get him to be that strong?"
    "Why don't you ask him yourself. While you're at it, apologize to him
for calling him inferior." Icy was very upset with Surge. Surge respectfully
walked over to Icy and apologized to him. Icy felt a bit better.
    "I don't know why I'm asking a pokémon for battle tips but, here goes.
How did you learn those psychic attacks?"
    "I was born with them. Now, may I have my Thunder Badge please." Surge
looked at Icy with a strange expression.
    "Pokémon don't get badges, their masters do." He extended the badge to
Insanellama, be he refused it.
    "This isn't mine. I'm not his trainer."
    "What are you talking about..."
    "Like I told you earlier. This ain't your average every-day Pikachu. His
name is Icy, a psychic pokémon trainer. He was accidentally changed into a
Pikachu." Surge still had a puzzled look on his face. "Just give him the
badge, I want to get to beat you some time this millennium!" Surge hands the
badge to Icy and heals Raichu. Icy runs off to Mike and the other members of
Clan Caterpie. Insanellama gets ready for his chance at a Thunder Badge...

From: Oiph <oiph@aol.complacent>
Subject: [PW!] Clan Caterpie and the Thunder Badge
Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 8:38 PM

Clan Caterpie and the Boulder Badge pt. 2
subtitled - "tiny bikes and nauseous Ivysaurs"

As the rest of of Clan Caterpie was working on defeating Lt. Surge, Random
took a trip with Bub... errr... Ivan, his pet Ivysaur. The went to see the
Circus in Vermillion City that week.
Random walked to a vendor and purchased some cotton candy, which he fed to Ivan
(BAD MOVE RANDOM!!!!). Ivan swallowed the sugary-candy whole. (this won't end
without a hurl joke...)

As Ivan and Random watched the cicus march by, a clown on a tiny bike carted
past. Random cackled at the sight...
"Nice bike cholo!"
The clown reversed direction and returned to Random, first to insult him back.
But the clown noticed Random's prized Martin guitar along his back, and
"Nice guitar..." Random was deep in thought, the tiny bike would fit Icy
prefectly, and because Icy (now a Pikachu... hey, I am _not_ gonna recap this!)
was slowing down the Clan with his speed, a bike would suit him perfectly.
"Wanna have a Pokébattle? 2 each? If I win, I get your bike. If you win, you
may have my Martin guitar!"
"Alright!!! Let's do it."
Random sent out Ivan, who was feeling a tad queasy from the cotton candy...
The clown sent out Mr. Mime...
"Mr. Mime: use a confusion attack!!!" Mr. Mime juggled his balls around
(ewww...) and flipped Ivan over mentally...
"Getup Ivan! tackle the fruitcake!!!" Ivan stumbled up to Mr. Mime and pounced
into the air.. vomiting half-way to the opponent. Mr. Mime was soiled... and
"F$#@ This!! I quit... lame-ass gig anyway..." Mr. Mime walked off...
Random was roaring with laughter, and recalled Ivan...
The clown was mortified.. yet sent out his Magikarp anyway...
"Go Growlithe!!!" Random was giggling about the beat-down that was about to
"Magikarp splash!!!"
The fish complied.. but to "No effect!"
"Growlithe!!! Go step on Magikarp!!!"
Growlithe stood atop of the lame fish and barked.
"Magikarp splash!!!"
The fish again complied.. but to "No effect!"
"Growlithe: do a little dance!!!
He popped on two paws and rotated around, barking the whole way.
"Magikarp splash!!!"
The fish complied.. but "No effect!"
"Ok OK.. Growlithe.. do some... kinda ....move."
Growlithe performed the Stone Cold Stunner with suprising exectution for a
PokéMon, and Random had won the match.
"Here's the bike..." The clown was no longer smiling.
"w00t!!!" Random somehow managed to pronounce the zeroes...
Random marched back to the Gym center with the bike on his shoulders.. with
Ivan stumbling behind hit a glass of Alka-seltzer in his vines...
Random managed to watch the end of Icy's match with Lt. Surge... hilarious.
"Icy, gotcha a present." Random handed the bike to Icy.
"Pika piii!" Icy exclaimed outside his translator.
Insane Llama was about to battle Surge...

From: <insanellama316NOSPAM@geocities.com>
Subject: [PW]Insanellama Fights Surge.
Date: Saturday, February 13, 1999 8:29 AM

By this time, insanellama is gettin a mite impatient. "Ok SURGE, PICK
A POKEMON." surge was trying to decide what pokemon to use against
insanellama. In the end he chose raichu for a one on one. "Ok, I
choose NIDOKING!"
Insanellama can't help but laugh as the lightning ricochets harmlessly
off of Nidoking.
A horn errupts from his forhead and hits raichu spinning and drilling.
Too bad surge, right in the left cheek, very weak electric now, not
that it's any good.
The nidoking tackles the raichu, and retreves its horn to end the
"Tough break man, be nicer to competitors."
"WHATEVER," said Surge, and throws the Badge well over Insanellama's
head, "FETCH DOG!"
"I don't think so," said insanellama, since the badge never hit ground
and was coming right at his hand. "Thanx Icy" said Insanllama. "PIKA
PI!" said icy.

From: Oiph <oiph@aol.complacent>
Subject: [PW]Random Fights Surge.
Date: Saturday, February 13, 1999 6:37 PM

"Good job guys, it's my turn now!" Random shouted preparing to launch his
beloved Snorlax.
"I will use Pikachu." Surge launched a ball containing a Pikachu. Icy's eyes
lit up.
The two PokéMon faced off, Snorlax was calm and doscile, but the Pikachu was
rabid with anger.
"Thunderwave Pikachu"
A blast errupted from the cheeks of the mouse, but it barely scathed Snorlax.
"snorrrr....." Snorlax was slightly annoyed.
"Body Slam him Snorlax!" Random shouted from the sidelines.
Snorlax fought to stand up; he wobbled towards Pikachu and thrust himself into
the air, landing square on the opponent. Pikachu squealed and broke free,
firing a Thunderbolt on his way. Snorlax reeled with the shock. Under impulse,
Snorlax double-edged Pikachu, knocking the enemy out, but also crippling
"We win!!! Good job Snorlax!"
Lt. Surge handed Random the Thunder Badge. Random dropped it in his sack with
a smile. he walked to the bleachers and sat next to Black Hole.

From: Black Hole <violaterop@home.com>
Subject: [PW!} My God, I think I'm getting somewhere! [AKA BH kicks Surge's arse ^^;]
Date: Saturday, February 13, 1999 10:26 PM

"Ok Surge, my turn" BH says as he steps into the arena. "OK buddy, this
time I'm gonna win! Just give me a second!" Surge yelled as he revived
his Raichu. "OK 1 pokemon each! Raichu! Show him who's boss!", Surge
yelled as Raichu stepped forward. "Scyther go." BH said as he tossed out
the pokeball revealing Scyther. "SCY... THER!" it yelled. "Raiii..."
Raichu looked at Scyther and grew pale. "Oh, damnit! He's still
recovering from the shock that came from that punk kid with the Scyther!
ARGH... could you please choose another pokemon? A Scyther traumatized
my Raichu and he refuses to fight them." Surge explained and BH grumbles
and recalled Scyther, "Dratini! Go!" BH yelled as he threw the pokeball
out revealing the small Dragon, "Ni! Dratini!" it peeped while lookign
at Raichu. The Raichu scoffed and tried to Body Slam it.

    Dratini moved out of the way and pounded on it. "Dratini! Dragon
Rage!" BH yelled as Dratini glowed with energy and than suddenly
released it in a burning rage of fury. Raichu blinked and got blasted,
he than got back up and growled.

    "Raichu! Thunderbolt!" Surge yelled. Raichu built up Lightning in
his body and... "CHUUUU!" Raichu zapped the tiny dragon and it went back
to BH and looked at him sadly. "You still have to battle, I'll tell you
what, why don't you do this..." BH whispered to Dratini and it grinned.
It started hopping all over the place confusing the Raichu. "Raichu!
Crush it with your Thunderbolt!" Surge yelled and Raichu illuminated the
arena with a thunderbolt.

    BH coughed and when the dust settled Dratini was gone. Raichu looked
around for the tiny dragon while Lt. Surge was screaming about it being
a trick. Dratini dropped down off the rafters and pounded Raichu into
the ground. Raichu fainted and BH got the Thunder badge from Lt. Surge!

From: <insanellama316NOSPAM@geocities.com>
Subject: [PW!] X faces Surge
Date: Saturday, February 13, 1999 7:11 PM

"Ok surge MY TURN."
"One pokemon, I choose RAICHU"
"ONIX GO!" said X
Ouch, raichu jumped right into the pat of Onix's flame, better luck
next time.
"Thanx for the badge man" said X
"Grrr, when will it end." said Surge.
X quickly took off his cap and sewed the badge into the bill, and then
put his cap back on his head. X stepped back into the shadows to watch
the next fight.