PokéWars Random Rejoins Clan Caterpie Again

From: Oiph <oiph@aol.com.NoSpam>
Subject: [PW!] Random joins Clan Caterpie again!!!
Date: Tuesday, February 09, 1999 7:50 PM

(Random had just gained a Growlithe in the PokeMon Mansion. He is still in
search of his father, who evidently has a connection with Team Rocket.
Speaking of TR, Random finally discover a Rocket, and thoroughly spanked him.
Random is now on the phone with Llama from Clan Caterpie.)

"Hey! Random! How ya doin'?" Llama was excited to speak to his close friend,
but was still upset over the loss of Xavier, a new friend and promising
"I'm fine, thanks. I got a Growlithe. How is Icy? Have you spoken to
LoneWolf at all?"
Llama responded, "I haven't talked to 'wolf in a while. Icy is.... uhh...
indisposed at the moment."
"KAAAAACHHUUU!!!" Icy yelped in the background. Llama was hit by a powerful
jolt of a Thunderwave.
"Dang Nammit Icy!!! He won't understand you anyway." Llama wiped his brow.
"What's wrong with Icy?"
Llama took a big breath. "We visited Bill, the Pokemaniac, and Icy participated
in an experiment that turned him into a Pikachu. The machine was blown up by
Team Rocket, who kidnapped Bill. But Icy stole him back. The problem is I am
the only one around who can understand Pikachese (Pikachu language.. get
"Oh." Random said
"yeah..." Llama caught his breath.
"I am coming down there. You are outside of Cerulean, right?" Random asked.
"yea..." Llama picked up Icy and fed him a snack.
"I will be there in one day." Random said, turning off his cell.

Icy dragged himself across the Lighthouse. He was beginning to see the
aggravation that comes with being inable to communicate effectively with
others. His only consolation was in a car battery that Bill had been using.
Icy jumped on top of the battery and gave it a big lick...

Random had no way to get from Cinnabar to Cerulean easily. There were no
airports in Cinnabar. He must find a flying Pokemon and hitch a ride. Bubba,
at his side, spotted a bird-like creature perched above the Pokecenter. The
great, blue bird let out a great howl (birds howl? yes.. yes they do.).
Random walked up to the bird, unafraid. "Hey! I am in dire need of a ride to
Cerulean City. Could you lend me a ride on your great wings???"
The bird was silent, then gracefully flew down to the ground. Random and Bubba
climbed onto his great wings. It was a cold perch, icicles dangled from its
great wings, snow followed its path. The bird took off just as a man ran to
the Pokecenter yelling, "My Pidgey!!! It's dead!!!" The great bird, Articuno,
had left its solemn mark.
Within the hour, Random was at the lighthouse. The great bird gave a caw, and
left immediately for Celadon City. Random had never seen a Pokemon of its
stature before, and would never again... He walked inside...

From: IcyPikachu <joshweb@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [PW!] Random joins Clan Caterpie again!!!
Date: Tuesday, February 09, 1999 9:33 PM

Random saw a Pikachu sitting on a battery sobbing. "Is that..."
"Yes, it's Icy." Insane interupted.
"Pika! Pikachu CHUUUUUUU!!!!!" (Random!!! Hi!!!)
"Uhhh, what did he say?" Icy started to sob lightly again.
"He says hello."

From: <insanellama316NOSPAM@geocities.com>
Subject: Re: [PW!] Random joins Clan Caterpie again!!!
Date: Tuesday, February 09, 1999 11:37 PM

While they were all talking, BlackHole walked into the room with a
charmander folowing him. "Howdy there, I'm Insanellama, the pikachu is
Icy, it's a long story, The guy with the guitar is Random. The man in
black is X. Right nice to meat ya" said Insanellama. "High I'm

From: Black Hole <violaterop@home.communist>
Subject: Re: [PW!] Random joins Clan Caterpie again!!!
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 6:22 PM

"Hello!" BH said as he looked behind him to see a Charmander, "Is that Charmander
anyone's?", "No, I don't think so." said Llama, "Pika, chu Chu Pika! (I haven't
seen it either)", "He said--", "Yeah I know what he said." BH said as he turned
to the Charmander, just to get a Flamethrower in the face. "Ay! Now your asking
for it! Go Dratini!" BH said as Dratini looked at him, and than used Dragon Rage.
"CHAR!!!" Charmander uses Ember and Dratini looks at Charmander and uses yet
another Dragon Rage and than gets hit with the pokeball and is sucked inside by
the red beam. The ball rattles around for a bit and the red center in the middle
goes white. "Hey! I just caught a Charmander!", "Now, what were you saying? You
call yourselfs Clan Caterpie? I hope you know Caterpie really suck",
"KAAAAAACCCCCCHHHHUUUUUU!!" BH gets zapped, "Erk... I take it that pikachu over
there likes Caterpie...", "Chu, Pikachu Pikaa! Chu Ka Pikaaaaa! (May name's Icy,
and I'm not really a pikachu, its a long story, and thats right!)", "ok ok! I get
the picture!", "Well... would you all mind if I hung around, I don't like
traveling alone much, It depresses me."

From: <insanellama316NOSPAM@geocities.com>
Subject: Re: [PW!] Random joins Clan Caterpie again!!!
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 7:33 PM

"Well, sure yer welcome to stick around for a while, we're hole up
here for a while anyway." said insanellama. "Oh, and btw, the pikachu
over there isn't REALLY a pikachu. Well, it is, but it isn't...
Nevermind, I'll just tell the whole story" Insanellama related Icy's
tale to BlackHole. After thinking long and hard, X had had enough, he
took off his cap, faced it towards himself, he got a good grip on the
edge of the TR badge, and jerked hard. "Hey guys, there's something I
need to tell you. I'm a member of Team Rocket. " He ducks a lightning
bolt from Icy. "Well, after I have seen what has happend, I've decided
to quit, can you have your rapidash burn this for me insanellama?"
asked X, and tossed the TR Patch to Insanellama. "Sure Rapidash, EMBER
ATTACK NOW!" The patch burst into flames and was soon only a pile of
ashes on the floor. "Sorry guys." said X. "Look, all that matters is
that you quit now. No hard feelings here pal" said Insanellama.